Journeying with the Plant Kingdom: Returning to the Essence for Personal and Entrepreneurial Growth

In our quest for personal and professional growth, it is crucial to reconnect with the essence, to see clearly, and to be honest with ourselves. A profound and authentic way to achieve this is by journeying with the plant kingdom. Plants, through their very essence, bring us back to our own Essence, without detours or […]

How much power do you give to your fears?

In sessions with clients or during informal exchanges, the notion of fear comes up very often, both for experienced entrepreneurs and for beginners. Fear of others’ judgment, fear of making mistakes, fear of not succeeding, fear of running out of time, fear of not knowing how to “protect” yourself, fear of not knowing how to […]

Chinese Medicine and Conscious Business

Why am I asking you questions about the quality of your digestion or that of your skin, the pain you may have, your sleep, the health of your eyes or your childhood memories, when you come to see me to grow your business and further your own evolution? We can’t say it enough, we are […]

Freedom requires you to know yourself

“But how did you come to integrate all of these tools and understandings?” This is the question that a client asked me this morning. Her question brought me back to this thirst for understanding of individual functioning and deep identity (who I am on a Soul level, what did I come to contribute in this […]