Cardamom: from the heart to the body
Cardamom essential oil is very subtle and has a profound effect on both the respiratory sphere and the digestive sphere, at all levels.
It is an essential oil that transmits joy and lightness. It calms anger and frustration, helping to express emotions more calmly. It also allows you to become aware of your mental patterns and to transform them – perfect for accompanying transformation work, whether in coaching, energy or other holistic therapy.
Cardamom essential oil encourages us to continue our path of spiritual evolution and harmonizes the throat and thymus chakras. It helps us reconnect with and share our unique abilities, and receive guidance from our guides.
On a physical level, thanks to its high content of 1.8 cineol, it supports good respiratory health, especially when diffused and applied diluted on the chest. It is also very useful in case of bloating and other digestive problems.
Whether it’s cardamom, pepper tree, geranium… essential oils are powerful tools that can help you move forward on your personal path and accompany your clients even more powerfully. Why deprive ourselves of these gifts that the Kingdom of Plants offers us?
If you have not yet registered for my new vibrational aromatherapy training “Essential Evolution” and you wish to master the vibrational approach of essential oils and better understand the multidimensionality of the human being, there is still time to join!
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