The day I’ll never forget

formation aromathérapie vibratoire

I will never forget the moment I smelled an essential oil for the first time. Its fragrance, its power, its vibration resonated in my whole being.

An ancestral connection was reawakened in me, which has only grown stronger ever since. That was over 20 years ago.

Since then, I have trained in aromatherapy, both with a scientific and energetic approach. Then the Plants led me to deepen my knowledge of human beings as a whole, through naturopathy, nutrition, Akashic and quantum healing, the theory of the 5 elements from TCM…

But it all started with essential oils, and they still hold a prominent place in my personal life and my professional practice.

It is also this magical gift they gave me that allows me to transmit their power with so much passion today.

If you want to learn how to harness the power of essential oils, join my waitlist for my upcoming training «Essential Evolution: the magic of vibratory aromatherapy».

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