
Essential Oils and the Akashic Records

Essential oils are powerful allies to accompany any work of transformation and holistic healing. Here is a selection of doTERRA essential oils and blends that I use regularly to support work in the Akashic Records:

  • Frankincense: grounding and connection to Source, regeneration
  • Balance blend: grounding, inner calm, confidence
  • On Guard blend: strengthening the physical and emotional immune system, setting clear limits and (enforcing) them, not being overwhelmed / overwhelmed by the priorities and energies of others
  • Smart & Sassy blend: physical and energy metabolism, avoid storing the energies that pass through us
  • InTune blend: clarity, multidimensional listening/presence, connection to the Source
  • Lemongrass: energetic cleansing, cutting ties with clients/other people
  • Forgive blend (pure, to diffuse) OR Forgive Touch (diluted for topical use): work on forgiveness, release of energies that no longer serve
  • Ylang-ylang: letting go, letting go of the mind, frustrations and anger, developing intuition
  • Petitgrain: to break free from the grips and family heritage, and reconnect with the wisdom and experience of our ancestors
  • Rose: Unconditional love, freeing yourself from the illusion of separation to reconnect with divine love. Rose EO has the highest vibration of all the EOs, and its application therefore allows us to raise our own frequency
  • Jasmine: reconnection to the respect and needs of our physical body, in particular in terms of sexuality. One of the best oils to release sexual traumas, develops intuition and confidence, and helps us to decipher the true cause / root of a situation

To learn more about doTERRA, why I choose to use and recommend this brand, and how to qualify for preferential pricing, visit this page.

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